The Golden Bowl Service 3 Ways to Fix Knock Knees at Home

3 Ways to Fix Knock Knees at Home

Thankfully, there are a few ways to fix knock knees at home, with the right exercises. Dr. Rowe demonstrates a series of exercises that help knock knees. These exercises are focused on strengthening the abductor muscles, which help balance strong adductor muscles. Some common knock knee exercises include side leg raises, one leg side bridges, and prone straddle holds. A few of the most effective knock knee exercises are listed below.
Physical therapy is one way to treat knock knees. This treatment is typically progressive, with different activities as the condition progresses. During the physical therapy session, your doctor may recommend orthotics, braces, and splints to correct leg bone position problems. In more extreme cases, your doctor may recommend seeing your primary care provider, who can treat your underlying health problem. If your knock knees are severe, you may have to undergo surgery.
Other physical conditions can lead to knock knees. Injuries to the hip can cause your knees to converge inward. This condition can also result from a lack of nutrition. Lack of proper nutrition may lead to bone disease or osteomyelitis. Physical trauma can also cause knock knees. Physical activity is a good way to strengthen the abductor muscles. Listed below are a few ways to fix knock knees.
Your child’s knee will be realigned with the assistance of a physical therapist. In addition to providing your child with stretching exercises, physical therapists can also assist them in returning to their typical levels of activity. If someone has knock knees, receiving the appropriate physical therapy can help them walk normally. If you are concerned about the knees of your child, you should probably make an appointment with their paediatrician. However, in most cases, knock knees can continue into adulthood, and they can even have additional negative effects on the health of your child.

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